Mia and Elliott's Yin Blog

Mia and Elliott Van Veen Loeb (and Figgy's) yin blog for Love Light Yoga, 2024

I like Sundays because then we see Danielle and I can fall asleep next to my mum on the yoga mat with lots of blankets and our Yinnie dog Figgy. Danielle’s voice is nice to fall asleep to. One day I want to make a yin children’s book with my mama because I think more kids would appreciate experiencing it.
— Elliott, 8
She has onyx eyes!
— Mia, 29 (Hospital)


In one of the earliest yoga classes after Elliott was born, her and I laughed together on the yoga mat while we moved from one pose to the next. It was such a magical moment, like we said in a secret language to each-other: We made it! The transitioning from one posture to another have since then developed new meanings and insights through studying the art of Yin.

Working as a Metal Artist, the element (arms) and lungs -metallic representation in the body. In metalwork there is a softness yet sturdiness constantly in a dynamic dance with each other.

Lay down and pretend that the roof is the sky

Sit with your legs crossed and say Ooooooooom

I like to just lay on the ground and relax and focus on the good stuff that is happening in your life. I have a yoga teacher named Danielle, you may have heard of her - she’s really pretty and a really good teacher. She likes yin and she likes to read. She’s very into yoga and that is so nice. Cause when you’re stressed it makes your body goes a little ‘coco’ and when you do meditation your body gets slower and calmer. Your body feels nicer to live in. And when you meditate it’s not so hard to be crazy. But if you do get a little crazy, it’s ok because there’s someone there to help you. There’s always someone who is good and not bad.

One time I drew a really pretty flower that turned out so nice that my mum put it up on the fridge so we could look at it each time we are stressed. Then we could look at the flower. And one thing that always makes me more calm - it’s a good hug. So if you ever feel stressed - it’s ok! If you don’t know what to do - here are some things you can do : To hug, To meditate, To draw, Smell some rosemary oil, Close your eyes, Find stillness, Breathe and Long exhales.


Merging ideas from visual art and yin theory/practice, one of the thematics that inspire my work is the Fascia, the interconnective tissue that holds our body together. In a 2020 exhibition at Jane/K.O.S.A (NO), curated by Sara Yazdani, Vera Wyller and Sverre Wyller, part of the research was the conceptual aspects of Faciae.

In “ F a s c i a e ” Van Veen investigates boundaries existing within human and nonhuman bodies, things and infrastructures. Her man/made/organic fragments exist within, above and underneath bodies, technologies and natural landscapes, constantly negotiating within their surrounding environments. They are guiders, leaders, manipulators, knitters connecting as much as rupturing externally and internally, fissuring and fusing the human body with the natural world.

Even while situated in the protected vicinity of Maridalsvannet—the essential supplier of drinking water in Oslo— “ F a s c i a e ” draws inspiration from quantum physics and its relational world-view. For her installation Mia Van Veen brings forth aqueducts, signals, heatwaves, and quantas. Her focus lays on making visible hidden structures and energies by emphasizing the transformative encounters between living and nonliving matter. She makes a prothesis for water, organs (iris), and plants (iris)–in energy waves on steel, a figure with a heat pool of molten silver and tin. Her concrete skin piece calls up the smallest human cell or a grain of sand—a moment between mind, matter and technologies of nature and its forms. Behind the glass in the diorama, the sculptures model a universe where air, heatwaves and water flow, move below and above earth.

Curator's statement/text by Sara S. Yazdani, 2021

Conversation between Mia and Elliott:
M: Do you remember when you started with yin?
E: I was so little that I couldn’t remember
M: Why do you love yin?
E: Because it makes me calm and I love drawing in class.

Metal is strong, but adaptable. It represents grief, sadness and bravery. We hold grief in our lungs and upper body, and it can be challenging and irritating to breathe in and out. Yin uses the principles of the meridians, by stretching the fascia you are stretching the meridians. These highways of energies through our bodies. It creates a kind of organized chaos, just like polishing metals-it is scratches put into order. Or a web with no weaver.

Fascia is the felt sense
— Danielle Hoogenboom

A short story by Elliott:

There was a girl who was going to yin and she was named Tina. Tina had a lot of talent, and not everyone had it. And she didn’t just have a regular talent, she had a special talent. She could rest and sleep. 

Good night, love from Elliott✨

My yoga dog - she is the best dog ever, Love yin
— from Elliott ❤

Yin Pets!

During the first few years of the virtual yin studio, we really got to know the pets all over the sweet yinnie world. One of the greatest surprises of the times, was the way our furry roomies showed up to join us. Enjoy this little collection of besties.

Musical Offerings in Jamaica with Jason Lee Worton

SO STOKED that my long time friend, yogi and super musician will be joining us for the Yin and Justice Teacher Training AND the Yin Rest + Reset retreat in Jamaica.  Jason is also a yoga teacher in Kingston and plays a whole variety of instruments and sings.....are you ready for musical medicine mixed with yin yoga on the sea? We give thanks for the musical healing powers and insights that is music and yoga mixed today. Have a peep at this bio below and have a listen to this soundcloud here

Jason Lee Worton, a singer/musician, grew up moving around the island of Jamaica, and spending several years overseas. Coming from a racially diverse background, surrounded by music, the ocean and rural Jamaica, this shaped him and his music, one of his muses being "the common bonds that complement the very distinctions that make us all beautiful individuals".

Switching between instruments and styles, he has established himself as a solid sideman multi-instrumentalist, working mainly on the guitar. Often described as a Jamaican Jimi Hendrix, but also having acoustic material compared to Jack Johnson, Jason spent years performing with numerous Reggae Artistes, ranging from veterans such as John Holt and Kymani Marley, to the leading figures of what is being referred to as the “Reggae Revival Movement”. This includes young rising stars such as Jah9, Chronixx, and most significantly Protoje in his backing band “The Indiggnation”, who he toured with throughout Europe and the USA.    

Building his reputation as a guitarist in the Reggae scene, Jason has also earned a name as a Singer/Songwriter in his own right, both within the Reggae fraternity and in thesmall developing Yoga community in Jamaica. He has been a mainstay at small local venues like Jamnesia, RedBones and the local jam scene. As a yogi-musician, he has been accompanying yoga classes and leading the occassional kirtan session, bringing his blend of Jamaican and World Music influences to studios and retreats around the island. During the Caribbean Yoga Conferences of 2012 and 2013 he played with MC Yogi, then with Dave Stringer. In 2015 during the first ever International Day of Yoga, he played for the largest recorded gathering of yoga practitioners in Jamaica at the National Indoor Sports Arena,   attended by local dignitaries such as the Indian Ambassador to Jamaica.     

Now Jason aims to continue sharing his music, releasing original material and a project of Jamaican influenced yoga/meditational music. His greatest joy is spreading love in the collective consciousness through irie music. When he doesn’t have an instrument in his hands, he thrives on being in the sea and in the bush, and is an avid surfer, yogi, and aspiring farmer/beekeeper.

Jason Lee Worton is the talented music maker to this new LLY promo video shot in Jamaica last year with Neisha Brown. Giving thanks for yoga moments all over the world, creative co-labs and bigger visions for this 2017! 


Jah9 and the Dub Treatment

Jah9 and the Dub Treatment

Music has the power to shift the way we see the world and the way we feel our way through it.

From Kingston, Jamaica, to Vancouver, down to California, this has been the most blessed reggae summer, which has brought me some of the best sounds of my life. I have been inspired these sound experiences and their ability to transform spaces and to uplift and educate people on a cellular level.

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What is Yin to Me?

Yin, to me, is similar to the psychological concept of rapprochement. It’s learning that you can always come home to grounded security, peace, and compassion. Far too often in this world, we stray from “home” (i.e., our true selves), much like an infant exploring his or her surroundings.

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