Our skies offer us a dynamic new moon seed to sow at 4 degrees of Scorpio on October

27 th . The great awakener, Uranus, stands directly across Sol-Luna in steady Taurus,

injecting an unexpected, liberating, or perhaps disruptive influence into your life.

This external force of change initiates you into the polarity of Taurus-Scorpio: should

you hold on or let go? Save or spend? Protect your personal boundaries or merge in

vulnerability with another? Trust your sense of values or allow yourself to be altered by

another person’s perspective?

Pay attention to how you consume and expend resources during this lunation - be they

financial, emotional, sexual, or physical. Money, feelings, intimacy, and vitality can each

be used to strengthen our own positions in life, to help other people, or to manipulate


Mars as the ruler of this new moon is in particularly challenging circumstances. In Libra,

Mars is far from home and forced to weigh the needs and desires of others instead of

speedily fulfilling his own desires as they emerge. This compromised position of our

instinctual nature emphasizes the dynamic tension and complicated webs that

relationships weave within our lives.

Cutting someone loose and moving on isn’t so simple this lunation. There are pieces of

information to collect and difficult conversations to have. Powerful emotions gurgle

under the still surface of Scorpion waters. The Uranian influence does indicate liberation

is possible, but there is a process involved.

Themes of collecting, analyzing, feeling, sorting, integrating, and discussing is amplified

by Mercury’s impending retrograde station, which occurs on Halloween a few days after

the new moon.

Mercury’s retrograde begins alongside Venus in the final degrees of Scorpio, a region of

the sky that teaches us about loss and detachment. Here is where we disentangle

ourselves from relationships that threaten our personal sovereignty; we do this by

removing our life force energy from these attachments and draw it deeply back into

ourselves, much as the barren trees do through the cold season.

Mars is also in a very close and very tense conversation with Saturn-Pluto, suggesting a

clash between our personal goals and desires with larger systems of power and

authority. Saturn can help Mars though, as Capricorn energy has affinity with both of

these planets.

Saturnian assistance might appear in the form of receiving stern but ultimately useful

guidance or instruction from a competent elder. Given the challenges faced by Mars this

new moon, and the influence of retrograde Mercury and disruptive Uranus, it should be

a strange, frustrating, mystical, and ultimately freeing, lunation.

Surrendering to the strangeness and compassionately attuning to what emerges

through our struggles could be fruitful. You might ask yourself the following:

Where are your weak spots, especially in terms of correct use of energy and right

relations with others? How does being shaken out of your ‘normal’ urge you to confront

these weak spots? What kind of feedback are you receiving from other people?

Generally, a great challenge this month is to remain flexible, as there is much energy

through the fixed signs all month and anyone who is too rigid might ‘break’ when the

Uranian influence blasts through our lives.

On a final note, consider honouring Mercury’s ancient role of psychopomp, he who

carries departed souls to the next realm, by connecting with your people on the other

side. A Mercury retrograde through Scorpio on Halloween could not be a clearer

invitation to expand our sense of relating to those who have come before us.

Nataleo is a forever student of the humbling and ancient art of astrology. You can read

her blogs, sign up for her newsletter, or book a reading with her at
