Jamaica, Jamaica!

I am pleased and excited to have shared an amazing immersion and retreat with both my students from Vancouver and local Jamaican students. We had an amazing time together and I am slowing bringing together all the images, experiences and insights via some blogs I am working on.....diving into the blogging slowly with lots to share. I feel also so blessed to have also taught a Yin Yoga Immersion in Kingston, loads of pictures here and more to come as I sort out the galleries of time away!

I am stoked to announce that I am returning to Jamaica at the end of this month to share yoga at the Calabash International Literary Festival in Treasure Beach. I will also be teaching another small workshop series in Kingston again at the TrueSelf Centre of Being. LOOK OUT!

I am blessed and so pleased have been a part of the Dub Treatment, an evening of Art, Culture and Rastafari in Kingston with Jah9, a powerful female reggae artist and visionary. There is a live recording on this event somewhere out there and many reviews, so have a peep and make sure you check out her online. Here are a few pictures from the Yoga on Dub, a special opening to the concert and event as we set up nearly 40 yoga mats and moved together to the sweet bass medicine of DUB. Much LOVE to sisterhood, yoga and more powerful events of union to come. 


peep more of the amazing Dub Treatment Images by a talented local photographer, JIK Reuben

peep more of the amazing Dub Treatment Images by a talented local photographer, JIK Reuben
