Yin Yoga and Neuro Science of Stress!

Join Hiroko from Vancouver Brain Lab and I for a special event in North Vancouver on January 29th from 6:30-9pm and Saturday January 30th from 12:30-5pm at the Hive Yoga. 

Learn more about Hiroko's incredible work!...

Hiroko started her career in psychology assisting her father, Bruno Demichelis, a world renowned sport psychologist, at the neuro-lab of a premier League soccer team (Chelsea Fc).  Using cutting edge technology in psychology, she witnessed the possibility to help top athletes measure, train and improve their focus, attention stamina and self-regulation.

Working with top athletes, she noticed that even among high performers, there were individuals with internal blocks and/or self-sabotaging types of behaviour. She realized that she was also blocked in her own story.

She learned that when human beings experience trauma, these traumatic events can stay "stuck" in the nervous system and tend to re-appear every time a trigger awakens them.

Since then psychological healing became her primary focus, and today she is a Registered Clinical Counsellior (RCC) in the province of British Columbia, Canada, and a certified expert in the use of neurofeedback and biofeedback through the BCIA. Her credentials also include training in REBT (cognitive behavioural traning) EMDR (trauma healing technique) and Mindfulness based therapy.

What I do in the clinic and relation to yin.

Hiroko believes that brain optimization is key to removing the blocks that keep us from being our most optimal selves, and that everyone deserves the opportunity to thrive. The intent in her clinic, the Vancouver Brain Lab, is to integrate her interventions with the most innovative techniques that can speed up and facilitate the healing process.

She is passionate about using sensors to teach herself and her clients something yin yoga is all about: the activation of the parasympathetic response.