Yin and Distillation Vibes

The slow experiment of distillation is so mesmerizing. Not only in the scents and textures of wildcrafted nature, but the process of time and the elements interacting and all the people needed for all the parts and pieces.  I can’t help but think about distillation differently and this idea of whole plant and full distillation. Its so beautifully yin, the process to collect, prep and distill. The time around the prep centre, sometimes making giant messes, telling stories, sharing meals and feeling infused by the sure presence of plant matter.  Its been a great joy to share space with Kingston friends, community kids and the regular farm boy crew and others that pass by.

 When we think of meditation, I think this idea of sitting quiet and alone with the eyes closed, really devalues these living meditations. These preparations and meditations that bring your mind to another space, your nose picking up the aromatic plant prep, the way your hands have to work and focus to prep. Its such a wonderful space to be. And then TIME. The distillation takes anywhere 3-16 hours depending on the material and our desired outcome.  HOW YINNIE! And I love this process here at the farm. Commercial oil manufactures mostly do the big and fast push and stop the distillation after the most oil pushes out. But here, as an artisan, patient and whole distillation process. We let the process run so that they many levels of oils can rise and mix. WE turn it off when its totally stops pushing oil. 

I love this process, not the fast yang, quick, give it to me now oils…but the slow and patience, the making and magic, the essence of time is the magic ingredient in Yin Yoga and essential distillation. Even the oils as they sit over time, change in essence, colour and smell. Time is such an under appreciated power. It is  totally out of your control, but your relationship to it, your patience with it is your resposniltity. 

The power of the oils are ever more refining the power of our senses, calling our nose to wake up and find the layers and levels, the hints and subtly. Since being at the distillery for the last two months, I can definitely feel the power of the bold changes in my ability to smell oils in their diversity, I smell the scents of the world me in such a different way. Its like learning to flex the smelling muscle.  MY teacher and friend Agape says, if you can smell the essential oils, they are working. I can’t also help but think about how many scents and smells we exposure ourselves to on the daily. In our homes, places of work and community. We truly don't yet feel the power and purpose of essential oils and their ability to heal make us well, more distilled to your truest essences and abilities. 

We would love to host you at next series on the farm. We have a series of weekend courses coming up in St. Mary Jamaica and would love for you to come along. 


Check out our Essential Oil Workshop Series this spring and summer in St. Mary, Jamaica. 

Introduction to Essential Oil Distillation: April 14-15th, 2018

Distilling Cultivated and Wildcrafted Plants: April 21-22, 2018

Distilling Essential Oils of Jamaica's Spices: May 12-13, 2018

The Do's and Don't of Hydro Distillation: May 26-27, 2018

The Magic of Co-Distillation: June 9-10, 2018
