Healing Head Yinjuries



This healing process process of my double concussions in 2017 has been SO YIN (and so gemini) I say that both in a loving and frustrating way with all my heart/mind/soul. I feel blessed to have tools and community of healing, but even then,  when you are not well its hard to be your own advocate AND see into the future. Working on resources that I wish I would have had and things I wish I could have explained to people around me.  Like a yin practice, this push and pull and back and forth of healing and growing is not a set and stable path. Its awkward and unclear and ever changing. Its the YINTUITIVE parts of the way that we move in the world and how we are always dancing in the river of decisions and TIME. Its humbling to be learning the ability to limit the over output and more stimulation and replace it with the the deep need to recover, rest and find neutral ground again. Again. AND again and again.  Healers Gotta Heal is slowing becoming my mantra and my attempted practice to find some balance in this yang world.

For these reasons I have decided to pull back again with some fall projects and focus on the roots rebuild. January 2017 I got a door to the forehead at a musical venue in Vancouver and in May 2017, I got another little smash to the other side my forehead in Jamaica on a glass bathroom shelf. TWO knocks to the head and still didn't listen enough to great message.  Its been a very interesting journey and still is as we learn to refocus on the world in relationship to our abilities and our senses and our outputs and inputs that exist in this world. I think we need to focus more on the yinputs of personal preservation.  I am still in the midst of writing and sharing about my concussion experiences and figuring out the right platform to be doing that.  From what has helped so much ( SLEEEP and direct neurofeedback to name a few), to navigating the medical and healing systems in two countries while managing many small businesses. LE SIGH its been very yin like its presenting and revealing. Also, big up all the lady bosses reading this and making it happening and keeping it going in all the ways they can. 

After planning and chatting and reflecting, I have decided that I won't be teaching yoga at Bass Coast this year with Tank Gyal, like the last two years.  Learning to let go is awkward when you have plans of the future but your abilities and vibes don't match! But grateful for the flexibility of LIFE.  The sound and travel is simply just a bit too much and being there last year was SUPER fun, but too much on brain healing (LOUD, BRIGHT, PEOPLE!). On that note, I am also not going to be assisting Seane Corn  at Wanderlust this year, cause its yoga rave land and again... too loud and too busy. I love attending events and programs where I get a chance to connect with other yogis, leaders and creative rebels.  AND Dia and I  are canceling the Yin and Spirit Vancouver offering in August and focusing on the Hollyhock edition for September.  WHY? Cause HEALERS gotta HEAL, and like a bow and arrow...we need to retreat to advance. So many things were planned last year that just don't seem as possible or necessary. So YIN like...you can have a vision and a plan and still not until you reach that space what will truly happen. 

Being in the countryside of Jamaica was been excellent for the senses and the ability to create, heal and reflect.  I taught six small retreats and an urban teacher training and a workshop series in  Kingston over the last six months as well as friend time, hikes, art and great food.  Next stop is B.C to take care of a few projects on the back end creations and preparations for Hollyhock training with Dia Penning and the offerings with Chastity Davis and Yin and Reconciliation as an urban and retreat editions in September and November. Feeling like September is bringing the back to school vibes and bringing of some pages. 

LOVE and Light 
